Bouquet Subscriptions

A beautiful, seasonal, locally grown bouquet will be available for you to pick up, every Friday for 4 weeks. The weeks may not be consecutive, if flowers aren’t blooming at the time. You will be notified of this via email.

There is a Spring Subscription, which will be loaded with ranunculus, anemones, specialty tulips, snapdragons, lisianthus, narcissus, and more. If I’m able to add the option of another 4 week subscription at the end of this one, current subscribers will be notified first.

At a later date, there will also be a Summer Subscription available. Think: dahlias, zinnias, cosmos, strawflower, sunflower, and so many more.

As a bouquet subscriber, you will also get first dibs at any additional flowers to add in to your bouquet (like when we’re flooded with sunflowers!) and if you need to order more flowers, you can pick them up at the same time.

The pick up location is in the town of Delhi, at 52 1/2 Meredith Street.

While purchasing, please provide the email of the person who will be picking up the bouquet (so if you are buying it as a gift, put down the email of your lucky loved one!)

